Friday, May 4, 2007

When good things happen

As I've mentioned here, my daughter hasn't had the easiest of lives. Sure, compared to kids in Darfur or Iraq, she's had a cakewalk but few of us have had to endure prejudicial rejection from nearly everyone we encounter. So it's worth mentioning the good things.

A older fellow student and my daughter have had to share an assignment over the past few weeks. Recently this woman said to my daughter, "Thank you."

"What for?"

"For opening my eyes. For letting me see past the superficial. You're really a good person but until I got to be around you I'd assumed the opposite."

From there the exchange got into "don't ask, don't tell" territory but they both knew what the subject was. (The school that they attend is small and at least half the students are hateful toward gays and lesbians so a lower profile is important.)

A few days later this woman brought a nice gift, an uncommon plant and a small book about friendship to my daughter. And no, this woman is not a lesbian and isn't hitting on my daughter. She's just a good soul who is truly pleased to offload a prejudice she'd been dragging around.

As a father, this made my day also. Two people gained and grew and nothing was lost except for a bit of darkness from this world.

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